Health & Social Care Shop #HSCresources #tlevelhealth
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Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
Level 2 & 3 Health & Social Care and T-Level resources both free and small charge ; use the search facility and I hope you find what you need. Supporting teachers
A 19 page Word booklet, which can be added to and altered to suit your teaching style. There are Five PowerPoints to aid delivery with space for student notes, video's, activities to engage and exam practice questions covering the content below for B1 and B2. The suggested exam answers are included with an indication as to how students achieve the individual marks. There is also a separate card match activity and embedded videos in the presentations
Learning Aim B
The roles of organisations in the health and social care sector
B1 The roles of organisations in providing health and social care services
• Ways services are provided by:
the public sector:
– NHS Foundation Trusts, to include hospitals, mental health services and community
health services
– adult social care
– children’s services
– GP practices
the voluntary sector
the private sector.
• Settings where health and social care services are provided to meet different needs, to include:
day care units
hospice care
residential care
domiciliary care
the workplace.
B2 Issues that affect access to services
• Referral.
• Assessment.
• Eligibility criteria.
• Barriers to access, to include specific needs, individual preferences, financial, geographical, social, psychological, language.
For more resources for Unit 2 or other BTEC Level 2 and 3 or Cambridge Technical Health and Social Care resources, follow me on TES to find all my resources in one place, with a search facility.
Enjoy your time saved, by purchasing this resource, and spend it doing something lovely!
BTEC Tech Award Health & Social Care Component 3 Learning Aim C3
Case studies and answers activity to cut into individual strips. These will get students analysing short scenario’s, become confident and familiar with key terms.
This could be used as a class exercise, set as homework or additional stretch and challenge ie. how many can you do, how many can they get right
The case studies are all adaptable and can be simplified for Level 1 students
Potential barriers as appropriate to the individual and the recommendation: [Exam question 17a]
o physical barriers
o barriers to people with sensory disability
o barriers to people with different social and cultural backgrounds
o barriers to people that speak English as an additional language or those who haven language or speech impairments
o geographical barriers
o resource barriers for service provider
o financial barriers.
Potential obstacles as appropriate to the individual and the recommendation: [Exam question 17b]
o emotional/psychological
o time constraints
o availability of resources
o unachievable targets
o lack of support.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
This package is for teachers delivering the 2022 spec for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 3, Health and Wellbeing. Questions related to these topics are 1 and 2 marks on the exam paper so focus on raising literacy levels throughout your lessons.
For teachers following my C3 SoW, this is for week 7.
This is suggested practical teaching week.
There is one presentations of 70 slides and a worksheet for notes covering different health indicators. There are inbedded videos pause points, exam multiple choice questions and class discussion point . . There is guidance for note taking and applied case study tasks. All resources are adaptable to meet you needs.
There are two homework task sheets based on exam answers for Level 1 and Level 2.
This package will cover the complete delivery of the spec points below;
Interpretation of physiological data according to published guidelines:
o resting heart rate (pulse) – normal range 60 to 100 bpm
o heart rate (pulse) recovery after exercise – the heart’s ability to return to normal
levels after physical activity is a good indicator of fitness
o blood pressure – low blood pressure 90/60mmHg or lower, ideal blood pressure
between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg, pre-high between120/80mmHg and
140/90mmHg, high blood pressure 140/90mmHg or higher
o body mass index (BMI)
underweight below 18.5 kg/m2,
healthy weight between 18.5 kg/m2 and 24.9 kg/m2,
overweight between 25 kg/m2 and 29.9 kg/m2
obese between 30 kg/m2 and 39.9 kg/m2
severely obese 40 kg/m2 or above.
● The potential significance of abnormal readings: [Exam questions 11-13]
o impact on current physical health (short-term risks)
o potential risks to physical health (long-term risks).
In advance of using this resource I can recommend you order free blood pressure resources from bhf (free 50)
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
BTEC Tech Award Health & Social Care Component 3 complete 100 page revision book with activities and exam practice questions. There is a student friendly mark scheme for each question and techniques throughout to help with structuring answers.
It is a word document and therefore adaptable to suit your needs.
Designed for students to work in pairs or independently and good for homework tasks. This should cover 12-15 hours of revision lessons and set homework tasks.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
A 40 page Word booklet you can add to or alter to suit your teaching style, making students responsible for printing it off and being organised for revision purposes so they have work to refer to. There are seven accompanying PowerPoints and lots of activities and exam practice, making delivery and engagement interesting.
The content covers the Unit 2 Working in HSC A3 spec, as below:-
Applying care values and principles.
• Promoting anti-discriminatory practice by:
• Empowering individuals, to include:
• Ensuring safety – how people who work in health and social care ensure safety for individuals and staff
• Information management and communication – ways of promoting effective communication and ensuring confidentiality
• Being accountable to professional bodies – how employees are accountable to professional bodies.
In addition, there is an end of topic mock exam worth 80 marks with an easy-to-use mark scheme which will allow for peer marking. A revision mind-map and guidance also included
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
BTEC Tech Award Health & Social Care Component 3 complete content quiz using cards.
Print back to back and laminate for hard multiple use, there are 64 question cards
Designed for students to work in pairs or independently, a revision task.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package for B1.1-5, B.11, B1.8 Cells and microscopes.
SoW it is for weeks beginning 9th & 16th September 2024
Included is a 53 slide presentation which you can stop-start, set slides as homework, encourages class discussions and has embedded YouTube clips to engage learners. Alongside this is a 9 page booklet with guided for note taking and exam questions (with answers). Separately their a activities to aid understanding and revision tasks.
Content covered is below;
B1.1 Principles of cell theory
B1.2 Different types of cells
B1.3 Structure and function of organelles
B1.4 Multi-cellular organisms
B1.11 The cell membrane and function
B1.5 Light microscope, how to calculate magnification
B1.8 The molecular structures of the large moleculesIf you are following my
Cells and tissues
B1.1 The 3 principles of cell theory:
• all living things are made up of one or more cells
• cells are the most basic unit of structure and function in all living things
• all cells are created by pre-existing cells
B1.2 The different types of cells that make up living organisms:
• eukaryotic cells (for example plant, yeast, algae and animals)
• prokaryotic cells (for example bacteria)
B1.3 The structure and function of the organelles found within eukaryotic cells including: cell-surface membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and Golgi vesicles, centrioles, lysosomes:
B1.4 The structure and function of specialised cells in complex multi-cellular organisms
B1.11 The structure of the cell surface membrane and mechanisms of cellular exchange and transport, fluid mosaic model of the cell surface membrane , passive transport through the cell surface membrane: diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis, active transport through the cell surface membrane
co-transport mechanisms
B1.5 The role of a light microscope and how to calculate magnification:
how a light microscope is used to study cells
“magnification=” “size of image” /“size of object”
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,400+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
An 18 page booklet for students to make notes and carry out activities they can then look back on for revision purpose. Its a word document so can be added to or altered to suit your teaching style. There are two accompanying PowerPoints with embedded video’s for a more interesting learning experience.
This resource package covers both the C1 and C2 section of the spec of the Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care. (Exam papers to follow.)
C1 People with specific needs
• Ill health, both physical and mental.
• Learning disabilities.
• Physical and sensory disabilities.
• Age categories to include:
o early years
o later adulthood.
C2 Working practices, working with special needs
• Relevant skills required to work in these areas.
• How policies and procedures affect people working in these areas.
• How regulation affects people working in these areas.
• How working practices affect people who use services in these areas.
• Recent examples of how poor working practices have been identified and addressed.
For more free and small charge resources checkout my TES shop
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. We share ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
This is a complete package that has a booklet and week by week programme for Unit one as well as an engaging 18 page booklet covering the A1 part of the spec, which you can add to or alter, getting students to print it off in advance of the lessons.
There are 8 PowerPoints included covering all sections in more detail and having embedded videos and corresponding activities in the booklet to complete either as a classroom activity or a homework task. There are also relevant exam questions from past papers to get them in the swing. This booklet took two whole days to put together so it is guaranteed to save you time and enable you to mould resources to your own teaching style. There is also an mock exam paper for A1 and mark scheme to check progress too.
Content covered
Growth and development are different concepts:
principles of growth – growth is variable across different parts of the body and is measured using height, weight and dimensions
principles of development – development follows an orderly sequence and is the acquisition of skills and abilities.
In infancy (0–2 years), the individual develops gross and fine motor skills:
• the development of gross motor skills
• the development of fine motor skills
• milestones set for the development of the infant – sitting up, standing, cruising, walking.
In early childhood (3–8 years), the individual further develops gross and fine motor skills:
riding a tricycle, running forwards and backwards, walking on a line, hopping on one foot, hops, skips and jumps confidently
turns pages of a book, buttons and unbuttons clothing, writes own name, joins up writing.
In adolescence (9–18 years), the changes surrounding puberty:
• development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics
• the role of hormones in sexual maturity.
In early adulthood (19–45 years), the individual reaches physical maturity:
physical strength peaks, pregnancy and lactation occur
perimenopause – oestrogen levels decrease, causing the ovaries to stop producing an egg each month. The reduction in oestrogen causes physical and emotional symptoms, to include hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, loss of libido and vaginal dryness.
In middle adulthood (46–65 years), the female enters menopause:
• causes and effects of female menopause and the role of hormones in this o effects of the ageing process in middle adulthood.
In later adulthood (65+ years), there are many effects of ageing:
health and intellectual abilities can deteriorate
For more BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award and BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care resources, NCFE T-Level Health, CTEC Level 1 and 2 resources, visit the HSCresources Shop, to access the full range of resource packages, with a handy search facility, to save time.
I hope you enjoy the time you’ve saved!
This package consists of a 34 page booklet of activities and revision/exam practice for the new BTEC Unit 2 A1 and A2 part of the spec. There are suggested exam answers to any practice questions within the booklet and it's a Word booklet that can be added to or altered to suit your teaching style. To accompany the delivery of content there are SIX PowerPoints and places to make notes and refer to the BTEC Student text book. It is page numbered for ease of use, engaging and a revision resource for students ahead of their exam. Included in this package is an end of topic exam, to test knowledge recall and exam answer application with an easy to follow mark scheme so it can be used for peer marking and revision activities such as card or column match
The A1 and A2 part of the spec content, covered in this resources package, is as below:-
A1 The roles of people who work in health and social care settings
Understand the roles of people who work in health and social care settings, to include:
• doctors
• nurses
• midwives
• healthcare assistants
• social workers
• occupational therapists
• youth workers
• care managers/assistants
• support workers.
A2 The responsibilities of people who work in health and social care settings
Understand the day-to-day responsibilities of people who work in health and social care settings, to include:
• following policies and procedures in place in the health and social care setting in which they work
• healing and supporting recovery for people who are ill
• enabling rehabilitation
• providing equipment and adaptations to support people to be more independent
• providing personal care, to include washing, feeding, toileting
• supporting routines of service users, to include day-to-day family life, education,
employment, leisure activities
• assessment and care and support planning, involving service users and their families.
There is an A3 revision mind map and PowerPoint as to how to complete it too.
There's a Facebook group with 5,000 health and social care sharing ideas and resources, come and join the big subject team :-)
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 1 (2022 spec)- a complete teaching package to pick-up and run with. This covers what the content for A2.Emotional and half the A2.Social Factors
If you are following my SoW 2024-2025, this is Week 10, this now relates to PSA Task 2. There are homework tasks for both Level 1 and Level 2 which are adaptable to suit your need There is literacy support and worksheets to capture understanding and can be referred to whilst students complete the PSA Controlled Assessment.
All the spec content relates to PIES development with the first presentation which is 32 slides covering all the A2.Emotional content. There is an A3 summary sheet for students notes and reference when completing the PSA Task 2. The second presentation is 26 slides and covers the below content of the A2.Social Factors. There is a third presentation which aims to raise literacy levels and gives students vocabulary prompts to enable students to access higher grades when writing up their PIES in the assessment work.
The content covered is:-
• fear
• anxiety/worry
• upset/sadness
• grief/bereavement
• happiness/contentment
• security
• attachment
• supportive and unsupportive relationships with others – friends, family, peers and colleagues
• social inclusion and exclusion
All the resources are in a format you can adapt to suit your need.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200 teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
This is a resource package contains a 37 page booklet for students to write notes and summarise activities ahead of completing their first assignment. There are 11 PowerPoints to aid delivery and reference to the relevant criteria. In addition their are copies of a safeguarding policy, a whistleblowing policy and Scie resources regarding dignity and appearance. The package covers B1, B2, B3 and B4 of the Unit 7 spec content for the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care - Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice Learning Aim B.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
This is a resource package contains a 22 page booklet covering the A1 and A2 spec content for the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care - Unit 7 Principles of Safe Practice Learning Aim A. There are three PowerPoints to aid delivery and activities to help students fully understand, related to the case studies and marking criteria.
The resource package cover the below:-
Learning aim A: Examine how a duty of care contributes to safe practice in health and social care settings
A1 Duty of care
• Legal obligation to protect wellbeing and prevent harm.
• Upholding the rights and promoting the interests of individuals experiencing abuse or neglect.
• Protecting health, safety and wellbeing.
• Ensuring safe practice.
• Balancing individual rights with risks.
A2 Complaints procedures
• Complaints policies and procedures.
• Reasons why complaints may be made, e.g. failure in a duty of care, dissatisfaction with quality of care.
• Investigating complaints.
• Responding to complaints with respect and treating them seriously.
• Using complaints to improve the quality of service provision.
• Legal proceedings and clinical negligence.
For more BTEC or CTEC Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care resources, visit my shop to find the full range, with a handy search facility to cut down on time.
#hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages
Join the biggest subject team, Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. 5,000 sharing ideas, resources, signposting and prop each other out
T-Level Health 2024-2025 complete pick-up-and-run teaching package, if you are following my SoW Wk18 for 10th February 2025.
Included is a 88-slide presentation with discussion points, embedded videos and guidance and a 24-page student booklet for activities, notes and exam practice. There are relevant additional documents and signposting.
The content of these resources covers is A10.1-A10.5 with reference to A3.1/4 legislation and B1.16 microorganism pathogens
A10.1 The techniques for infection control and why they’re important in stopping the spread of infection: techniques for infection control
A10.2 The importance of good handwashing techniques and personal hygiene and how to practice this in relation to infection control
• importance of good handwashing techniques and personal hygiene
• how to practise good handwashing technique
• how to practise good personal hygiene
A10.3 The scientific principles of cleaning, disinfecting, sterilisation and decontamination
Principles of cleaning, disinfecting, sterilisation and decontamination:
A10.4 The differences in procedures for cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilisation
A10.5 The meaning of impact of antimicrobial resistance including how this can potentially impact infection control and the ways in which to reduce microbial resistance
• the meaning of antimicrobial resistance
• impact of antimicrobial resistance
• reducing antimicrobial resistance
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,400+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
#hscresources #tlevelhealth
This package is for teachers delivering the 2022 spec for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 3, Health and Wellbeing.
For teachers following my C3 SoW, this is for week 12.
There is one presentations of 70 slides with embedded videos, pause discussion points and activities to apply knowledge. Guidance and an example of mindmap notes. Exam Practice in the style of exam question 17.
All resources are adaptable to meet you needs.
There are two homework tasks is suitable for both Level 1 and Level 2 and in the style of question 17a.
Learning Aim C3 content is completely covered
● Definition of barriers: something unique to the health and social care system that prevents an individual accessing a service. [Exam question 17a]
● Potential barriers as appropriate to the individual and the recommendation: [Exam question 17a]
o physical barriers
o barriers to people with sensory disability
o barriers to people with different social and cultural backgrounds
o barriers to people that speak English as an additional language or those who haven language or speech impairments
o geographical barriers
o resource barriers for service provider
o financial barriers.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
This package is for teachers delivering the 2022 spec for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 3, Health and Wellbeing.
For teachers following my C3 SoW, this is for week 1 after the completion of Components 2 and 3 PSA’s and resits.
There is one presentations, one is 96 slides and a worksheet for notes and activities. There are embedded pause points, class discussion points and Youtube videos to keep students engaged.In addition their is a vocabulary worksheet to raise literacy levels. All resources are adaptable to meet you needs.
There are two homework task sheets based on exam answers for Level 1 and Level 2.
This package will cover the complete delivery of the spec points below
A1 Factors affecting health and wellbeing
● Definition of health and wellbeing: a combination of physical health and social and emotional wellbeing, and not just the absence of disease or illness.
● Physical factors that can have positive or negative effects on health and wellbeing: [Exam questions 1-7]
o inherited conditions – sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis
o physical ill health – cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes
o mental ill health – anxiety, stress
o physical abilities
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
This is a teacher-friendly content delivery resources for the OCR Cambridge AAQ in Health & Social Care F090 Principles of health & social care
Topic area 1: Equality, diversity, and rights in health and social care settings.
There is an adaptable 135-slide presentation with detailed delivery notes, pause points for discussion and is accompanied by an adaptable 36-page student booklet which runs with the slides. there is also additional activity options and reference resources.
The PowerPoint and Word student booklet is adaptable to suit your need and teaching style. There are separate packages for the other 3 topic areas also on TES.
Content covered is:
1.1 Diversity
1.2 Equality
1.3 Rights
1.4 Discrimination in health and social care environments
1.5 Potential impacts on individuals of discrimination
You may also wish to join the biggest health and social care subject team and become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,500+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
If you prefer WhatsApp, there is a qualification specific group with subgroups for the different units with uploaded resources, signpost links and advice/guidance.
#AAQhealthandsocial care
This package is for teachers delivering the 2022 spec for BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 3, Health and Wellbeing. s.
For teachers following my C3 SoW, this is for week 9.
There is one presentations of 33 slides and a worksheet for notes covering the benefits of a person-centred approach for individuals, professionals and services. There is a focus on answering 6 mark questions using the PEE model and applied practice for this and model answers provided.
All resources are adaptable to meet you needs.
There are two homework task sheets based on exam answers for Level 1 and Level 2.
The content of the spec covered in this package is listed below;
● The ways in which a person-centred approach takes into account an individual’s:
o needs – to reduce health risks
o wishes – their preferences and choices
o circumstances – to include age, ability, location, living conditions, support, physical and emotional health
• The importance of a person-centred approach for individuals:
o makes them more comfortable with recommendations, advice and treatment
o gives them more confidence in recommendations, advice and treatment
o ensures their unique and personal needs are met
o increases the support available to more vulnerable individuals
o improves their independence
o they are more likely to follow recommendations/actions to improve their health
o they are more motivated to behave in ways that positively benefit their health
o they feel happier and more positive about their health and wellbeing.
● The benefits of a person-centred approach for health and social care workers and services:
o it improves job satisfaction for health and social care workers
o it saves time for health and social care services
o it saves money for health and social care services
o it reduces complaints about health and social care services and workers.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200+ teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Good luck in your teaching :-)
An 11 page booklet with activities, exam practice questions and places for students notes. In addition, there are two PowerPoints with embedded videos.
This resource package covers the BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care A4 and A5 section of the spec, as below:-
A4 Multidisciplinary working in the health and social care sector
Partnership working, to include:
• the need for joined-up working with other service providers
• ways service users, carers and advocates are involved in planning, decision-making and support with other service providers
• holistic approaches.
A5 Monitoring the work of people in health and social care settings
How the work of people in health and social care settings is monitored, to include:
• line management
• external inspection by relevant agencies
• whistleblowing
• service user feedback
• criminal investigations.
For more free and small charge Level 1, 2 and 3 BTEC and CTEC Health and Social Care resources, visit my shop to find them all in the same place, with a handy search facility
#hscresources TES shop for free and small charge resources
Thank you Alison
BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 Health and Social Care Component 1 (2022 spec)- a complete teaching package to pick-up and run with. This covers what the content for A2.Physical Factors
If you are following my SoW 2024-2025, this is Week 8, this now relates to PSA Task 2. There are homework tasks for both Level 1 and Level 2 which are adaptable to suit your need
All the spec content relates to PIES development with the first presentation which is 36 slides covering Inherited Factors which have animation so text is delivered in chunks. There is a second presentation of 46 slides which then covers the rest of A2.Physical Illness and disabilities
The content covered is:-
Physical factors:
• inherited conditions – sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy,
• Marfan syndrome and Huntington’s disease
• experience of illness and disease
• mental ill health – anxiety, stress
• physical ill health – cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes
• disabilities
• sensory impairments
All the resources are in a format you can adapt to suit your need.
The hscresources TES shop has free and small charge teaching packages for all Health & Social Care and T-Level Health qualifications. It has a handy search facility to save on time.
You could join the biggest subject team, become a member of the Health and Social Care Resources Facebook group. There are now over 5,200 teachers sharing ideas, resources, signposting and propping each other up!
Goo luck in your teaching :-)